Getting JSON Object Response Back In OpenAI GPT4o

Getting back valid json object returned as a response from any LLM models api has always been a challenge.

No matter how many times you add explicitly add in your prompt , "Only return the response in a json object and nothing else" etc and call that api endpoint 10 times, it is mostly likely 3 out of them will fail to return a valid json object and there goes the JSON.parse error.

So it was a great news when when OpenAI shared that you can now get back a valid json object response from their api (atleast some models) endpoints.

I have been testing this with GPT4o and it works like a charm. Here is very simple example on how you can get back a valid json object response from OpenAI GPT4o model.

const completion = await{
      model: "gpt-4o",
      messages: [
          role: "user",
          content: "Say this is a test , return it in a json object",
      response_format: { type: "json_object" },
  } catch (error) {

Response :

  "message": "This is a test."

Few things to note:

So following prompt doesn't works and throws above error:

content: "Say this is a test",

Following prompt works & returns a valid json object:

content: "Say this is a test , return it in a json object",

Hope this helps!

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